Somatic Experiencing
Trauma processing

Somatic Experiencing
Trauma Processing

Just like a normal counselling session, Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a talking therapy that works to hear the story of the body. Working with the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) (SE frameworks), we look to describe the felt sensations of the body.

Learning to mindfully track your nervous system in the company of an attuned practitioner allows you to stay present when identifying how your sensations move and change within the body.

This gives you the capacity to become organised and complete a motor response that can resolve trauma.

SE works with all types of trauma.

Developing a felt sense of safety is a priority. In combination with the utmost respect, compassion and positive regard for you and your experience, safety is paramount in the treatment of your trauma and its symptoms.

This body-oriented psychotherapy allows you to safely initiate changes within your nervous system. You will experience a sense of aliveness, relaxation and wholeness. You will develop an ability to regulate – a return to a settled state often experienced as a relaxed alertness.

SE aims to expand your capacity to self-regulate your body’s responses and widen your ‘window of resilience’. You can have greater access to life.

Sometimes weighted blankets, cushions, sensory pads, blankets, and sensorimotor art therapy techniques, such as guided drawing and the clay field, are used in therapy sessions. This helps with safety, grounding, integration and completion.

“Without Tania and ITT, I would still be struggling to find my way forward”.


Questions before getting started? Get in touch.